Cooks Coaches operates the excursions in this brochure subject to the following conditions.
1/ The fares shown are payable in full at the time of booking and passengers should check that the details on the tickets/travel documents issued are correct.
2/ Special prices, as shown, may apply to senior citizens and children.
3/ If admissions, theatre tickets, meals etc. are included, this is indicated by a *
4/ Seat numbers are allocated at the time of booking, but please note that we reserve the right to change them if circumstances make this necessary. Therefore we cannot accept bookings that are conditional upon the provision of specific seats.
5/ Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded within 28 days of departure. We will endeavour to sell returned tickets, subject to selling our unsold tickets first and to a 10% handling charge.
6/ Cooks Coaches welcomes passengers with special needs, but warns that some excursions are not suitable for those with mobility problems. Our staff will be happy to offer advice as appropriate. As coach drivers may not be able to provide a sufficient level of care, any passenger with a disability should be accompanied by his/her own carer. It is a requirement that passengers should be able to get on/off the coach unaided.
7/ Cooks Coaches reserves the right to refuse any booking and/or to terminate the journey of any passenger(s) whose behaviour is creating a nuisance to others.
8/ Smoking is not permitted on our coaches, nor, from July 2007, in public places in general.
9/ Passengers are requested not to use mobile phones to the annoyance of others.
10/ Dogs, other than guide dogs, are not carried.
11/ Passports are required for all Continental excursions. Holders of non-EU passports should check whether visas are needed for the countries to be visited.
12/ Cooks Coaches reserves the right to cancel, alter or withdraw an excursion at any time, in which case its liability is limited to the price paid for tickets. In these circumstances all monies paid will be refunded in full but no further liability will be accepted.
13/ Cooks Coaches makes arrangements for ferries, meals, admissions and other means of transport as agent for the passenger upon condition that it shall not be responsible for any damage, delay, injury or inconvenience caused thereby.
14/ Cooks Coaches will make every effort to adhere to published times, but passengers should be aware that prevailing traffic conditions can cause delays.
15/ A weight limit applies to any luggage, wheelchair or mobility aids carried.
16/ A fuel surcharge may be levied on top of brochure prices.
We retain your full contact details and other information in secure files and electronic storage facilities. We may use this information to contact you by mail, telephone or electronic means. We must pass your information on to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements and we take full responsibility for ensuring that proper measures are in place to protect your information. In making this booking, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant persons or suppliers.
Your data controller is the office manager. You are entitled to a copy of your information held by us. If you would like to see this, please contact us.
With effect from 25th May 2018 we will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
You can view our Privacy Notice here.
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